Muay Thai is one of the simplest and strongest martial arts.

It is respected around the world as one of the most fearsome ring sports combining kicking, punching, knees, elbows & clinch.

I've trained Muay Thai for over 20 years and spent time training in Thailand with amazing coaches & fighters

This course contains all the Muay Thai drills, skills, techniques & pad combinations I've learnt over the last 20 years

Video Series 1: Mittmaster Muay Thai Pad Drills 1

The core Thai Pad drills I teach in the Mittmaster system.

  • How to hold the thai pads. The basics of safely holding the thai pads
  • Jab - Cross series. The fundamental striking structure of muay thai
  • 4 counts. Core kick & punch drills used in muay thai
  • Knee drills. How to use the muay thai knee correctly
  • Entry to the clinch. How to get to the clinch safely
  • Spin back elbows. Ways to land this powerful surprise attack
  • Catching the kicks. How to catch a kick and follow up quickly
  • Kick escapes. How to escape if your leg gets caught
  • Fish hook drill. A basic power dominant striking drill
  • 20 count conditioning drill. A great thai pad conditioning drill that includes all your basic muay thai strikes. 

Video Series 2: Mittmaster Muay Thai Pad Drills 2

Intermediate and advanced Muay Thai pad drills:

  • Warm ups. Unique Muay Thai warm up drills i learnt in Thailand.
  • Boxing & Elbows. How to integrate the elbow with single punches and boxing combinations
  • Elbow Blitz. A brutal elbow combination that trains all your elbow attack angles
  • Elbow Defence. Three simple ways to defend against elbow strikes
  • Round kick angles. How to use the round kick correctly depending on your target
  • The round kick series. A drill which covers all the basic round kicks and defences
  • Split fish hook drill. My infamous split fish hook drill
  • Shin check counters. How to block & counter quickly,useful for sparring classes)
  • Front kick counters. New front kick counters and follow ups
  • And loads more thai pad magic

Video Series 3: Mittmaster Knees & Elbows

How to strike with devastating knees & elbows

  • Basic knee and elbow mechanics. How to strike powerfully with these sharp weapons
  • Knee and elbow combinations. How to combine knees & elbows for maximum effect
  • Countering boxing with knees and elbows. How to counter punches with knees and elbows
  • Elbow flow drill. A striking flow drill that covers all your angles of attack
  • Blocking knees & counter with the elbow. How to crush knees with your elbows
  • Blocking the elbow and counter with knee. And how to counter elbows with knees
  • MMA knees. Specific considerations for MMA knees
  • Clinch drills. How to clinch & knee
  • Using the “head”. A great tool for developing accuracy with your elbows

Video Series 4: Mittmaster Muay Thai Clinch

How to master one of the strongest positions in Muay Thai

  • Entering into the clinch. How to enter without taking any shots
  • Getting the correct clinch stance. Securing a strong and stable stance once in the clinch
  • Hand & Head position for control. Where to place your hands for maximum effect
  • Off balancing. How to tip and trip an opponent off balance
  • Escaping the clinch. How to get out of this position if things go wrong
  • How to knee, elbow and kick in the clinch. Fundamentals of striking in this dominant position
  • Clinch tricks. Some sneaky moves I learnt from my Thai coach Kru Yod
  • Countering the clinch. How to counter whilst clinching
  • Combinations in the clinch. Smooth striking combos in the clinch

Video Series 5: Mittmaster Dutch Glove Drills 1

Adding Dutch style glove drills to your Muay Thai training

  • Glove Drill Warm Ups. Simple. effective drills that improve skill whilst gradually warming the body
  • Boxing Combos. How to use the gloves to drill boxing combos & defence
  • Unique Dutch Combos. Effective combinations developed by Dutch fighters
  • Liver Series 1-3. Sweet combos that focus on smashing the opponent's liver
  • Low kick Set Ups. Eight ways to land a devastating leg kick
  • Low kick Follow-ups. Three great combos to follow up off the low kick
  • Parry Series. Essential parry and counter drills used in Muay Thai
  • Front kick Counters. Simple counters to the Teep (front kick)

Video Series 6: Mittmaster Dutch Glove Drills 2

Advanced Dutch style glove drills

  • Advanced Glove drills
  • Integrating the jump knee
  • Sweeps & Trips
  • Spin kicks & follow ups
  • Foot fakes
  • Hand fakes
  • Counters to elbows


You also get these bonuses for FREE with this course

  • 45 Minute Muay Thai Seminar Video With Tiger Muay Thai Coach Prathet
  • A PDF Guide To Mastering The Muay Thai Clinch
  • A PDF Guide To Punchbag Drills
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How It Works

  • Over 8 hours of video

    Detailed technical videos covering, thai pad combos, clinch and punchbag drills

  • Watch on any device

    Watch on your phone, tablet or laptop. Access any time in any place

  • Learn at your own pace

    Watch, rewind and learn at your own pace.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How Does It Work?

    Simple. Select the course you want. Make payment and you get instant online access. You can watch on any device, anywhere at any time!

  • What's Included Inside The Course?

    This course contains detailed instructional videos covering the core drills and skills required to master Muay Thai

  • What's The Difference Between The Muay Thai Collection & The Muay Thai Syllabus

    The Muay Thai syllabus is designed for those wanting to teach structured Muay Thai classes and to provide the base for a grading system.

    The Muay Thai collection is designed to provide students & instructors with a large range of Muay Thai drills, skills & techniques.

  • Can I Get This Course On DVD?

    Unfortunately we no longer offer DVD's as they are too expensive to produce and ship.

    Plus with online courses you get instant access so no need to wait for the post.

  • What If I Have Questions?

    Please feel free to email me at [email protected]

Whats Inside The Course

    1. Muay Thai Pad Drills 1

    1. Muay Thai Pad Drills 2

    1. Knees & Elbows

    1. Muay Thai Clinch

    1. Dutch drills 1 intro

    2. Dutch 2a (boxing combos)

    3. Dutch 2b (boxing combos)

    4. Dutch 3 (liver combos)

    5. Dutch 3a (liver combos)

    6. Dutch 4 (parrying)

    7. Dutch 5 (slip & shove)

    8. Dutch 6 (split series)

    9. Dutch 7 (hand traps)

    10. Dutch 8 (low kick set ups)

    11. Dutch 9 (low kicks)

    12. Dutch 9a (low kick set ups)

    13. Dutch 10 (kick fakes)

    14. Dutch 10a (kick fakes)

    15. Dutch 11 (bob & weave)

    1. Dutch 2. 1 FH fakes

    2. Dutch 2. 2 HF fakes

    3. dutch 2, 6 knee counter

    4. Dutch 2, 7 clinch

    5. Dutch 2, 8 jump knees

    6. Dutch 2. 3 superman FU

    7. Dutch 2, 5 kick catch

    8. Dutch 2. 4 shin check counters

About this course

  • 35 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content
  • Free Bonus Content

About Your Instructor

Matt Chapman

Founder of

Hi, my name is Mittmaster Matt.

I'm a martial arts student for 35 years, an instructor for 20 years, and creator of the Mittmaster Pad Training system.

Over the past 35 years, I've trained in and graded to black belt/instructor level in...

🥊Muay Thai
🥊Jeet Kune Do
🥊Filipino Boxing
🥊Combat Submission Wrestling
🥊And won a British Welterweight Title in MMA.

During the same period, I sought out the best instruction possible traveling to many countries to train with some of the world's best instructors including multiple trips to the USA, Canada, Thailand & Europe.

My passion is helping other Martial Artists improve their pad work through my online courses
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