During lockdown 1 my Wife "requested" that I tidy up the loft (I'm sure you can relate gents)  

But now I'm glad she "persuaded" me to do it as I found hundreds of lessons plans. 

You see, when I was a full time MMA instructor I used to write lesson plans for every single class I taught. 

And over 15 years, that adds up to a A LOT of lesson plans

Today I've been sorting through some of the MMA specific lessons plans and thought they would be a great resource for striking coaches looking for a bit of variety or inspiration.

I've selected 100 of the best MMA lesson plans to include in this course.

The lesson plans include:

  • MMA fundamentals
  • MMA specific striking & defence
  • MMA power takedowns
  • Double legs, single legs and combinations
  • Drills for entering & exiting the clinch safely
  • Catching kicks to takedowns
  • Clinch Boxing 
  • Knees & elbows
  • Bumps & trips
  • Wrestling takedowns
  • Striking - wrestling chains
  • Cage Wall drills for offence & defence (I've never taught these online before)
  • Ground & pound from top & bottom
  • Developing a punch proof guard
  • Sweeps & scrambles
  • High % submission set ups & defence
  • MMA specific fitness & conditioning drills

As with all my lesson plans I like to film the drills in each lesson plan for you to watch. 

That way there is no confusion with the terminology or techniques taught within a drill or combo.

(If you've ever looked back over your training notes from a few years back you will know what I mean).

  • 100 MMA Lesson Plans in one PDF so you can download them to your phone or laptop for easy access

  • Also inside the course are 100 videos showing you the exact drills taught in the lesson plans so you know exactly what to teach

  • BONUS content designed to help you teach great MMA lessons
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FREE Bonus Content


If you order today you will also get several amazing no gi instructionals from my friend and 3 x World No Gi champion Tom Barlow.

Tom is not only a world class competitor but is also an amazing instructor with an awesome ability to break complex grappling techniques into simple steps that even I can understand!

If you want to improve your MMA specific grappling skills you will find these bonus videos invaluable.

Here's a short preview of one of Tom's video bonuses:


Order today and you will also get bonus "Fight Finisher" videos where I break down the winning combinations and techniques used by elite MMA fighters.

Here's a "Fight Finisher" sample video:

If you teach or train MMA these lesson plans (and bonuses) are an essential resource that you will refer back to for years to come.

I'll see you on the inside

Mittmaster Matt

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