Get Instant Access To ALL The Mittmaster Muay Thai Content For Less Than £1 A Day…

Get access to everything you need to teach exciting, engaging martial arts classes that will help your school bounce back the moment the pandemic ends.


Hi Mittmaster Matt here,

Let’s be honest, the COVID-19 pandemic has been incredibly difficult on all of us. If you’re like me, then you’ve done our best to keep your students training and improving, but despite that, your school has still taken a massive hit. 

You’ve lost students, you’re worried about how you're going to pay the bills, and you’re dreading the next hit that’ll force you to close your doors for good. 

You are not alone. 

I’ve spoken with hundreds of martial arts school owners around the world who are in a similar situation and they are just as concerned about the future.

However, I’m here to tell you the pandemic & restrictions will end, and (at least in the UK) it could be relatively soon. 

It is just a matter of time before you’ll be back in your school doing what you love and helping your students succeed. Yippee

Seeing all the hardship people like you have gone through, made me want to do something that will help you bounce back stronger than ever.

It’s been heartbreaking to watch fellow martial arts instructors struggle during the COVID-19 lockdown. 

I’ve spoken with a lot of school owners who are watching their years of hard work crumble while they watch incapable of doing anything about it.

This got me thinking - 

"How can I help you recover as fast as possible once all restrictions are lifted? "

After some reflection, an idea struck me harder than a teep from Saenchai. I've created just about everything a martial arts instructor like you needs to run amazing classes including:

  • A vast library of techniques so your students can always be learning something new. 

  • Structured curriculums that will keep your students motivated and training longer.

  • Detailed lesson plans that you can use straight away to teach awesome classes. 

While I can’t give you all the Mittmaster systems for free, I can make them so damn cheap anyone can afford it. 

Introducing The Mittmaster Muay Thai Membership

I’m aware a lot of school owners don’t have the cash at the moment to get all the martial arts courses and curriculums they might need.

For example, to buy all of the courses in this membership separately would cost you over £300 / $450. 

What I can do, however is bundle them together in a monthly membership that dramatically reduces the price.

The moment you join Mittmaster Muay Thai Membership you’ll get access to an ever-growing library of courses and curriculums that will help you to teach fun, exciting martial arts classes that will keep your students coming back for more.

Here’s what’s currently included:

  • The Complete Mittmaster Muay Thai Collection - You’ll get access to all my Muay Thai instructionals totalling 10 hours of video content. This will help you to add lots of variety to your classes, or allow you to run cash-creating seminars for your students.

  • The Mittmaster Muay Thai Syllabus - We all know syllabuses help your students get good, but not every instructor has one in place. These syllabuses are fully editable so you can add your own techniques, and will allow you to create a structure to take your students from beginner to black belt effectively.

  • The Mittmaster Equipment Drills Collection - Muay Thai is a system that uses a wide range of training equipment. This course covers how to use various punchbags, kick shields, striking sticks and more in your classes. 

  • 100 Fighter Drills-  This course contains 100 drills, techniques, and tactics specifically for training fighters of all levels.

And you will get instant access to all of it as soon as you become a Mittmaster Muay Thai Member. 

So you’re probably wondering how much all this content is going to cost. 

Well, if you were to buy all these products separately, it’d cost you in excess of £300! 

However, as a member of Mittmaster Muay Thai Membership, you won’t pay anywhere near that. 

In fact, you’ll get access to the content for only:

£20 / $27 month

(That’s only £0.66p per day, or about the same as you lost down the back of your sofa this morning.) 

Get Instant Access To The Mittmaster Muay Thai Membership In 3 Simple Steps.

To create your membership and lock in the low £20 /  $27 month price, all you need to do is follow these three simple steps. 

Step 1: Click the big red button below.

Step 2: Complete the short form to confirm your purchase.

Step 3: Start enjoying your Mittmaster Muay Thai Membership today.

Simples. Click the button below to get started now!

(Your access will continue as long as you remain a member and you can cancel at anytime)

Be Ready For The Return To The Mats...

I know it may not seem like it right now, but the COVID-19 pandemic will end. (And probably sooner than you think.) 

And as we come to the end of the restrictions you have two options: 

You can do nothing and reopen as normal. 


You can get everything in place so when the restrictions are lifted and your students return to the mats, they’re greeted with new drills, exciting classes, great syllabuses and a buzz in your academy.

I know which one will help you bounce back faster and maybe even grow beyond where you were pre-pandemic.

To your success

Mittmaster Matt

How Your Membership Works

  • Sign up & get instant access on any device

  • Get the most content for the lowest possible price

  • Month by month membership. You can cancel at anytime

  • Membership includes video collections, editable syllabuses, lesson plans & seminar footage

Your Instructor

Matt Chapman

Founder of

Hi, my name is Mittmaster Matt.

I'm a martial arts student for 35 years, an instructor for 20 years, and creator of the Mittmaster Pad Training system.

Over the past 35 years, I've trained in and graded to black belt/instructor level in...

🥊Muay Thai
🥊Jeet Kune Do
🥊Filipino Boxing
🥊Combat Submission Wrestling
🥊And won a British Welterweight Title in MMA.

During the same period, I sought out the best instruction possible traveling to many countries to train with some of the world's best instructors including multiple trips to the USA, Canada, Thailand & Europe.

My passion is helping other Martial Artists improve their pad work through my online courses