Before you go check it out I'd like to make you a VERY SPECIAL offer that is ONLY available on this page

Hi Mittmaster Matt here,

I’m guessing you are here for one of two reasons. 

Either you’re a student looking for a way to improve your striking skills, or you're an instructor looking for resources to help with your Martial Arts, Boxing or MMA classes. 

Thankfully, I can help you do both.

On this page, you can get access to the Mittmaster Kickboxing Membership for only £1 / $1.50 for your first month

This membership contains over 25+ hours of my highest quality kickboxing instructionals including:

🥊Kickboxing Instructional Volumes 1-5 (6 hours)

🥊 Kickboxing Instructional Volumes 6-10 (5 hours)

🥊 Kicking Masterclass (4 hours)

🥊Kickboxing Trigger Drills (2 hours)

🥊Kickboxing Equipment Drills Volumes 1-7 (7 hours)

🥊Holding For Heavy Hitters (2 hours)

Why am I giving away so much content for only  £1 / $1.50?

Because as a practicing Martial Artist for over 35 years I realise how difficult it can be to find good training on the net.

There's a lot of junk and contradictory advice out there

My goal is to help as many Martial Artists as possible access high-quality online training so that you can use my drills, skills, techniques & tactics to inspire others

And the best way I can do this is to let you sample ALL my drills for a ridiculously low price

If you decide to trial the Mittmaster Kickboxing Membership  you'll get instant access to over 25 hours of kickboxing instructional content for 30 days for only £1 / $1.50

If after thirty days you like what you see and want to continue your membership, then you will be billed £20 / $25 a month to continue accessing the content 

Or, if after thirty days you don't want to continue you can either cancel inside of your account or send me an email to cancel your membership. Simples!

Inside The Memberships You'll Get Instant Online Access To...

Kickboxing Instructional Volumes 1-5 (6 hours)

🥊 Footwork Fundamentals

🥊 Jab - cross foundations

🥊 Kicking Drills 1

🥊 Body Shot Drills

🥊 Partner Glove Drills

Kickboxing Instructional Volumes 6-10 (5 hours)

🥊 Fighter Drills

🥊 Unorthodox Attacks

🥊 Kicking Drills 2

🥊 Superman Punches

🥊 Savate Kickboxing Drills

 Kicking Masterclass (4 hours)

🥊 Over 4 hours of kicking drills & skills focusing on the most effective kicking techniques from Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Savate, Filipino Boxing & MMA.

Kickboxing Trigger Drills (2 hours)

🥊Trigger Drills are the key to making your pad work faster, more realistic, and efficient.

With trigger drills, you place the pads in a specific position that "triggers" an automatic combination from your partner.

This makes pad work faster, as you don't need to tell your partner what to do, you just flash up the trigger and they respond!

This course contains over 50 Kickboxing Trigger Drills.

Kickboxing Equipment Drills Volumes 1-7 (7 hours)

🥊 All Kickboxers use a range of different equipment to hone their skills. This course contains full instructionals on using punchbags, striking sticks, coaching mitts, thai pads & more to develop devastating striking skills. 

Holding For Heavy Hitters (2 hours)

🥊 We've all held pads for those rare beasts who seem determined to separate our arms from our bodies.

Well, these "heavy hitters" require specialised pad holding skills to prevent overuse injuries and these are covered in depth inside this course.

How Your Membership Works

  • Sign up to start your thirty day trial

  • Get instant access to 25 hours instruction for the lowest possible price

  • If you like what you find, remain a member for only £20 / $25 a month

  • Cancel at anytime!

Your Instructor

Matt Chapman

Founder of

Hi, my name is Mittmaster Matt.

I'm a martial arts student for 35 years, an instructor for 20 years, and creator of the Mittmaster Pad Training system.

Over the past 35 years, I've trained in and graded to black belt/instructor level in...

🥊Muay Thai
🥊Jeet Kune Do
🥊Filipino Boxing
🥊Combat Submission Wrestling
🥊And won a British Welterweight Title in MMA.

During the same period, I sought out the best instruction possible traveling to many countries to train with some of the world's best instructors including multiple trips to the USA, Canada, Thailand & Europe.

My passion is helping other Martial Artists improve their pad work through my online courses